Health Profiles
Though Rabies is the only vaccination required by law, there are many infectious diseases that can be prevented by vaccinating your pet on a regularly scheduled basis. Listed below are a few of the common diseases that have available vaccinations:
K-9 Distemper: A highly contagious disease that is spread through the air and contact with contaminated objects, much like the human cold.
K-9 Adenovirus 1 & 2:
- Type 1 causes infectious hepatitis which in turn affects the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, eyes & various other organs.
- Type 2 can be a factor in the complex pathogens that cause the upper respiratory infection commonly referred to as kennel cough.
Bordetella: A bacterial disease and component of kennel cough. It is also spread through the air and contaminated objects.
Leptospirosis: Bacterial disease which impairs kidney function and can ultimately cause failure of the renal system. Animals and humans who come into contact with contaminated urine can contract Leptospirosis.
Parainfluenza: Often causes a mild respiratory infection. It is usually transmitted through the nasal secretions of infected dogs.
Parvo: A gastrointestinal virus that attacks the intestinal track, white blood cells and sometimes the heart muscle. Any unvaccinated dog under 2 years of age is susceptible, with 50% of all cases resulting in death. Parvo virus can remain in the environment for very long periods of time.
Corona: Attacks the GI tract similar to parvo, though not nearly as fatal.
Rabies: One of the most publicly feared diseases, Rabies affects the brain and central nervous system. Any warm-blooded animal is susceptible (including humans). This virus is transmitted by a bite from a rabid animal and is usually fatal.
Feline Panleukopenia (Distemper): Extremely contagious disease spread by direct contact with infected cats or their secretions (waste). The lifespan of the virus in the environment can be likened to K-9 Parvo.
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR): Similar to severe cold and sinus infection in humans. Severe cases can cause mucous like discharge from the eyes and nose.
Calicivirus: May occur along with FVR. Infected cats develop large painful ulcers in their mouths.
Pneumonitis: Caused by the bacteria chlamydia psittaci, usually characterized by severe conjunctivitis, green diarrhea, pneumonia and lethargy.
Leukemia: An immunosuppressive virus, which can take several different forms. Some cats produce antibodies, but others may become persistently infected. Those cats are susceptible to chronic urinary tract infections, bone marrow suppression, upper respiratory infections, and non-healing abscesses.
FIP: A complex disease whose transmission is poorly understood. The pathogenic form is believed to be a mutant of the feline corona virus. There are two clinical forms of FIP.
- The dry form causes neurological damage.
- The wet form causes weight-loss and fluid accumulation resulting in a water-belly appearance.
Recommended Vaccine Schedule

Distemper |
Hepatitis |
Para-influenza |
Parvo |
Corona |
Lepto |
Rabies |
Bordetella |
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Distemper |
Viral Rhino-tracheitis |
Calicivirus |
Pnuemonitis |
Leukemia/ FIP Test |
Rabies |
Leukemia Booster |
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K-9 Adult Health Profiles |
Annual Vaccines
(lymes &
bordetella optional) |
Heartworm Test
Comprehensive Physical Exam
(dental, ophthalmic, neurological, cardiovascular & pulmonary)
Blood Screen
(complete blood count, liver & kidney function & diabetes screening)
Thyroid Testing
ECG (electrocardiogram)
Feline Adult Health Profiles |
Annual Vaccines
(FIP & Bordetella Optional)
Comprehensive Physical Exam
(dental, ophthalmic, neurological, cardiovascular & pulmonary)
Blood Screen
(complete blood count, liver & kidney function & diabetes screening)
1 blood screen
between ages of
Thyroid Testing
ECG (electrocardiogram)
between ages of